

removal of: pimples, blemishes and uneven skin tones • moles and cold sores • scars and bruises • wrinkles and stretch marks • puffiness and bags • tattoos • stray and patchy hair • veins and bumps • anti-aging


facial feature alterations • thicken or thin eyebrow and eyelashes • adjust shadows and proportions for nose, eyes, cheekbones, jawlines and chin make-up application • adding or removing make-up • smooth skin without loosing natural texture • add/change color to mascara and eye liner • add/change color and/ or texture of lips • enhancing or toning down blush or foundation


removal of flyaways and stray hairs • filling in hair to add body and volume • filling in hair to receding hairline • reshaping • removal of volume


removal of: stretch marks, wrinkles, veins, creases and fat rolls • unwanted hair • tattoos • moles, scars, veins and bruises

• addition and/or reshape and adjustments of: breasts • waistline • hips • legs, arms, neck • smooth skin without loosing natural texture


removal of: creases and wrinkles • tears and frays • panty lines • remove brand tags and logos • straps, belts, zippers or buttons addition and/or adjustment of • straps, belts, zippers or buttons • collars and pockets • material or clothing to conceal bikini lines and nipples

• change color of articles of clothing